Jawani pher nahi ani

JAWANI PHIR NAHI ANI: A movie that promises to be all about fun, love and money, has been released on Eid ul Adha, 2018. After reading about the title and plot of the movie on a news website, I couldn’t help but think that I COMPLETELY AGREE with the title “Jawani phir nahi ani”.

The Prophet (ﷺ) informed us that each one of us will be asked 5 questions on the Day of Judgment and NO ONE will be allowed to move from their place unless they answer them first. One of these questions will be about “your youth, and where you spent it”. [Tirmidhi]

Meaning, what kept you busy during your jawani? So think deeply about how you plan to answer that question when you are standing before Allah (SWT).

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) also told us that there will be 7 people under the shade of the throne of Allah (SWT) on the Day of Judgment. A day when the sun will be brought close to a mile and there will be NO SHADE except that which is under Allah’s throne. One such group of people under the shade will be “youth who grew up in the worship of Allah”. [Bukhari/Muslim] These are the men and women who spent their jawani doing deeds of piety and righteousness.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “A man is upon the religion of his close friend, so let each of you look at whom he takes as his close friend.” [Tirmidhi] Ask yourselves, my dear brothers and sisters what type of people you hang out with. Ask yourself if these people are drawing you closer to Allah or moving you farther away from Him.

Finally, to the film makers and all those who do not hold themselves back from unleashing wickedness, shamelessness and immodesty upon the ummah, even at the blessed occasion of Hajj, Eid ul Adha and sacrifice for the sake of Allah; I ask you to fear Allah! For indeed Allah (SWT) has mentioned clearly in His Book:

"Surely, those who like that immorality should be spread among those who have believed will have a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you do not know." [Surah Noor 24:19]

So yes, it is true that “Jawani phir nahi ani”.
Question is, how are you going to spend yours?


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