We are educated to be rich not to be happy

Happiness What I think is that today we’re so much involved in our so called daily busy life that somehow we’ve forgotten what is real happiness.Now this is something important to raise awareness about. Don’t you think that the joy of life is not all about money. There are so many little things in our daily lives that can give us long lasting happiness like seeing a 2 year old laugh ,helping someone and that smile on their face after that. It isn’t important that when you have money only then you can have the real happiness. This is completely a myth. Money is only a source of satisfying our needs, it can’t buy happiness for you .Famous quote of all times from the book HARRY POTTER says that: Hapiness can be found in the darkest of times if only one remembers to switch on the lights. So people switch on the lights around you. What do u think a man who lives alone in a five storey bungalow is more happy or a man who lives in a 2 bedroom flat with his wife and children?...